PatternsLive ReadMe

On this page are some PATTERNS that are shared in the footer of the page for Spanish and English.

To share PATTERNS:

  1. Create here the pattern in Spanish
  2. Save the pattern.
  3. Go to VPML plugin and translate the pattern (TRANSLATIONS)
  4. Once translated, it should also appear in the English patterns.
  5. Place the pattern in the part of the template you want (remember that the footer and header are independent in each language, the rest of the content is shared).
  6. ShortCodes in parts of the patterns do not work (Year), they must go directly on the page.

NOTE: Sometimes it takes some time to load the patterns for translation.

Comming Soon' illustration, to warn about the product that is about to be released: the Freemium version of APPcelerate.

Freemium solution for agencies

APPcelerate ‘s solution for agencies to plan and measure their own campaigns through geo-audiences with self-service access.

Illustration to advertise what product is about to be released: the Freemium version of APPcelerate.

The new era of campaigns with Geo Contextual Data.

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